Sat Nov 6, 2004

It turns out that beggars really can be choosers after all!

Blue state progressives are finally starting to notice that the people living in states that just voted for massive deficit spending, starting illegal wars and giving huge tax cuts to the rich are also the people that are sucking up tax dollars faster than they put them in. The only question remaining is, why are we surprised?

  Expenditures per
$1.00 of Taxes
FY 2002 Ranking
North Dakota $2.031
New Mexico $1.892
Mississippi $1.843
Alaska $1.824
West Virginia $1.745
Montana $1.646
Alabama $1.617
South Dakota $1.598
Arkansas $1.539
Hawaii $1.5210
Virginia $1.4711
Oklahoma $1.4712
Kentucky $1.4613
Louisiana $1.4414
Idaho $1.3415
South Carolina $1.3216
Missouri $1.3217
Maine $1.3118
Tennessee $1.2419
Iowa $1.2220
Arizona $1.2021
Maryland $1.2022
Nebraska $1.1923
Utah $1.1424
Kansas $1.1425
Vermont $1.1226
Pennsylvania $1.0827
North Carolina $1.0728
Rhode Island $1.0629
Wyoming $1.0530
Georgia $1.0132
Oregon $1.0033
Ohio $1.0231
Florida $1.0034
Indiana $0.9935
Texas $0.9236
Washington $0.9137
Michigan $0.9038
Wisconsin $0.8739
Delaware $0.8540
California $0.8141
New York $0.8142
Colorado $0.7943
Massachusetts $0.7944
Illinois $0.7745
Minnesota $0.7746
Nevada $0.7347
New Hampshire $0.6848
Connecticut $0.6449
New Jersey $0.6250

In other words, for every $1.00. that North Dakota paid out in federal taxes, they got back $2.03. dollars. For every $1.00. that New Jersey paid to Uncle Sam, they got back $0.62.!